A few hours ago I took a survey asking me to look at some anti‐tobacco warnings and then estimating how many tobacco smokers vs. non‐smokers will suffer the risks.

I don’t think that grown‐ups take up smoking simply because they’re unaware of just how awful it is for them. I think that they usually turn to smoking because it’s a crude coping mechanism and they don’t love living. Think about it: if life sucks anyway, how much difference would avoiding an unhealthy habit like smoking make?

Reducing tobacco consumption is a fine goal, but anti‐tobacco groups (or at least the ones that I’ve seen) go about it completely the wrong way. I think that raising living standards, or maybe even just messages with more positivity and empathy, would have a more substantial effect than giant warnings and photos of hideously deformed organs.

  • @Kultronx@lemmygrad.ml
    61 year ago

    Hard disagree. I don’t think societies are doing enough to combat tobacco use, and they should be more aggressive. So many butts on the ground near where I live, it’s disgusting. They don’t decompose and get into water sources. Thank god I wasn’t born 20 years earlier and had to suffer through second hand smoke in buildings. People don’t really ‘turn’ to smoking, they try it and they are addicted.

    I mean, the occasional cigar is cool but not worth the huge societal negatives. I think they should do what one country did and effectively ban smoking for people born after a certain date. Though of course the capitalists will fight that tooth and nail.