• Saw this a few days ago on the r/CommunismMemes subreddit. Super based.

    I hope you continue your mission to communize all the “Nazi” Anime Girls. ✊ ✊ ✊

    • CommissarOP
      1711 months ago

      I’ve decided this is gonna be the push for me to formalise my online… persona, I guess. Wherever I go, wherever I post, I end up attracting a following somehow. I had 50 or so followers on my old account, and 79 on the last one - who the hell follows a reddit account? Regardless, I suppose it’s worth a shot.

      I’ve been commissioned by the Communist Party of Australia to create a number of propaganda posters for them and remaster some old soviet posters to be sold as prints, so I’m working on that at the moment. People on reddit asked me to create anime versions of many different leftist groups - NVA, IRA, PFLP, MPLA, the list goes on. Not a fan of drawing the anime style, but if the people want, I will provide. It’ll be good practice, anyway.

    • CommissarOP
      611 months ago

      I just looked up that thread and it’s truly amazing to see how many people adore this shitpost I will definitely make more

    • CommissarOP
      611 months ago

      no fucking clue. But, I give up now. Oh well, reddit, you win. suck my dick but yk well done you drove me away

  • commiespammer
    511 months ago

    Nice! What software do you use? I’d like to make similar drawings but ms paint just won’t cut it.

    • CommissarOP
      411 months ago

      I use clip studio paint. bought it once, never looked back.

      • commiespammer
        411 months ago

        Unfortunately for me I have no money. Do you know of any free alternatives?

        • CommissarOP
          411 months ago

          thonkin well, CSP is absolutely worth the money, but Krita works too if you’re tight on cash. I’m living in Europe for an exchange program rn and I understand the feeling. My current financial situation was saved by, of all things, the Euro’s value falling compared to the Australian Dollar.