• Ferk@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    I seriously doubt any of these are reasons for the masses. You can go and ask any average person and chances are (s)he won’t even know or care about GNOME/KDE, systemd, or actually have any idea of any kind of toxicity of this kind. I think the article exagerates the importance of some pretty irrelevant internet discussions that are only followed by those who are actually geeks that are passionate about technology, not “the masses”.

    In fact, the first time I was ever exposed to toxicity in the computer world was when Microsoft, MS-DOS and Windows users continuously criticised aspects of those very same systems (the “blue screen of death” meme being a famous example of things like this later on). Not in the Linux community.

    Also, the article claims there’s a lack of developers but fails to offer any numbers that can be compared. How many developers actually work on Windows (the OS, not apps) vs how many developers work on GNU/Linux OS? how many of them work in it for a living? (because there’s people who do actually get paid to work for Linux) how many don’t get paid and still contribute adding up to insane numbers of hours? I don’t think it’s that simple, you can’t throw an assertion based on a presuposition you hold on one particular aspect and forget about the rest of the picture.