Can you jam an FM radio signal with a FZ?

Let’s say, hypothetically, there’s a guy who parks on your street once a week and – for some reason that no one understands and he refuses to explain – he absolutely BLASTS a butt rock radio station from his car speakers for 20 minutes at a time, so loud that it bounces off all the buildings on your narrow street and it sounds like it’s coming from every single window. And when you go out and say, “Hey dude, I’m taking a call for work, could you not do that here? Or anywhere, really?” he smirks and looks at you like you’re the one acting crazy.

Again, this is a hypothetical.

But in this hypothetical situation, could you use a FZ to jam his car radio? How? (I know that many people might call the police/311 and ask them to do something about this. That is not how I want to do this.)

Thank you for indulging this completely made up scenario.

    8 months ago

    Hypothetically no. You’d have a better chance with one of two ways. 1. If the radio receives RF signals someone might be able to find the correct RF signal that would allow them to change the station on a radio or turn it off and on to the point of frustration. Again this is only if it has the ability to receive rf signals and the the send/receive is in range 2. An FM transmitter with the same radio frequency that would over power the radio signal in the local area. If you have ever heard two radio signals at the same time it is because they are competing on the same band. If there was a strong enough signal close enough whatever was playing on the more powerful signal would be heard. Unfortunatly if the hypothetical person just decided to play a CD this would not help in any way. Blocking FM transmissions could be prohibited in areas based on the fact that emergency services might use them. Pressing a panic button on a car alarm is not against the law but it is very annoying to anyone around.