Started my first dive into true self-hosting (hosting on my own local machine).

I figured out VPN tunneling and have access to a static IP via VPN but I’m not sure how to port forward with a VPN. I have Spectrum Home internet and need to research how to port forward/if something else is possible.

Maybe some people at @selfhosted could help me bridge the gap. This will likely become a lemmy post. Thanks federation!

    1 year ago

    How’s your VPN setup exactly? Port forwarding - if necessary at all - will highly depend on the VPN setup.

    For example, if all you’ve got is a simple WireGuard VPN from your devices to your home server, then you’re already in the network and don’t need port forwarding at all, you can just access your stuff directly. If it’s a commercial VPN with a static IP, then you might need to port forward from the VPN server to your machine, or it could also just be all forwarded directly by default and might just need to open up a firewall. Some commercial VPNs only allows you to forward a single randomly assigned port, in that case you’re stuck using that port (I would recommend making that a VPN endpoint, so you can stack an actual private VPN on top of the commercial VPN and then have full access from there).

    But without knowing what’s VPN’ing to what, how and where, it’s hard to give a direct concrete answer.