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  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    1 year ago

    That’s why I left Reddit a while back, I only look at fight videos on there now. I was basically just going through random subs (non-political I may add) and seeing just rotten shit written about Russians and Belarusians. I took issue and defended Belarus bc they didn’t even do anything wrong. I got a bunch of comments that probably would’ve been reported if it wasn’t for the war which made Russophobia so much more mainstream. Seriously just sick shit about how Russia and Belarus should be nuked, how ALL Russian men(not Slavic bc that would apparently be racist, yep that makes sense to me) are rapists deep down (I sorta turned someone around on that point, but I think they just acted like that because they got downvoted to shit for that.) or how Russia uses NeoNazis in their military (Projection much?)

    • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
      101 year ago

      how ALL Russian men(not Slavic bc that would apparently be racist

      Tbh they probably don’t consider Russians Slavic to begin with. Because Slavic to them means muh winged hussars defending YUUUROOOP from invading hordes. And Russia? Russia is the horde.

      • ButtigiegMineralMap
        81 year ago

        I genuinely don’t know what Reddit thinks of Russia tbh. I’m not on Reddit too much these days (unless it’s fight videos as I mentioned previously) but I feel like Russia is the embodiment of Slavs being represented as a people. I’m slavic and I definitely recognize Russia as the most slavic nation (in the sense that old Slavic culture is preserved well and more culturally normative than modern Western culture, also they have 130 million+ slavic people in the nation) Like maybe Latvia or Slovakia could be considered the home of Slavics, but the statistics overwhelmingly show Russia is the home of Slavs. They have the most slavs and people definitely associate the “slav squat” and Hardbass which I absolutely love both lol, with Russia. I don’t doubt you that people are trying to disassociate Russia w Slavs, but as a Slav I gotta say I don’t think it will work as intended