I’m talking about deeply held beliefs you have that many might disagree with here or deem to be incompatible with Marxist ideology. I’m interested because I doubt everyone here is an ideological robot who all share the same uniformity in belief

  • @sudojonz@lemmygrad.ml
    151 year ago

    As a buitenlander in NL (here for almost 11 years now), I totally agree on that view. The outward facing "left"involved in the political process here are almost entirely bourgeois champagne socialists who seemingly never had a hard day in their lives and are incapable of connecting to the common person, “soft” is a great way to describe them. At the same time, most of the “hard” on-the-ground leftists I’ve met in Amsterdam seem too close in their views to co-opted CIAnarchists instead of Marxist-Leninist socialists and communists, and that bums me out hardcore. My working theory on that is because they take their cues on social issues from the American “left” instead of through their own dialectical processes and historical nature of the struggles. Their ideas are tainted with Amero-centric characteristics.

    There is a big hole in NL politics where a legitimate Socialist Party of workers should be. SP (the official socialist party of Netherlands) are at best a bunch of weak-willed SocDems a la Bernie Sanders. Might as well be controlled-opposition. It’s time to bring back the tomatoes (and throwing) from which the SP logo is designed.

    • DankZedong
      1 year ago

      The funny thing about SP is that they realized the same thing, but instead of trying to educate the workers on the importance of socialism, they are now considering taking on reactionary takes to appeal to them. Literally the reverse way of thinking.

      • @sudojonz@lemmygrad.ml
        51 year ago

        Yeah you nailed it exactly. It’s really muddying the waters of socialism as mainstream Dutch understand it, simultaneously as it pushes the Overton Window to the right.