Reddit thread links to Instagram post which goes into detail. Monuments is probably one of my favorite bands. I slowly shift into new music as time goes on, but they have always been in my listening rotation. I feel like every single one of their albums are really good, even their newest one, and it’s going to be sad to see them probably leave the scene forever. They had lost a lot of band members, and it was pretty much down to one original/core member. This member had to step away from the project (and it’s definitely a good decision health-wise), and with the foundation of the band gone, they really had no choice. I know that the vocalist is already touring with other projects, and will probably end up leaving the band since he has so much on his plate already. Going into hiatus also means they likely won’t be looking for new members, so it’s probably over for them. I was excited to see what they had in store for their next album, and they are probably one of the only Djent/Prog/Core bands whose newer albums really interested me. Honestly if this were TesseracT or Periphery I don’t know if I would feel as bad as I do about this, I just can’t get into their newer albums. Idk I just wanted to vent and let possible fans know about what’s going on with the band, and why the album they were writing will likely never release.
