Inspired by a hateful egg in-denial of her femininity, who calls herself a femboy.

Meme template: Skeletor Until we Meet again

Top Text: Remember kids, Femboys are trans girls in denial, they are not cis no matter what they say. Do what you can to help break them out of their egg.

Bottom Text: Until we meet again

Original Page

    8 months ago

    This thinking is hateful and dangerous.

    Are there trans women who have previously experimented with being a femboy? Definitely.
    Are there femboys that for one reason or another are actually trans but in denial? I’m sure they exist.

    Is every femboy an egg? Hell no. There’s plenty that are happy with their gender identity. In fact, thanks to them being able to be in touch with their feminine side, they probably know pretty well if they feel like a man or a woman. Don’t push femboys to transition, but be supportive if they want to explore the possibility.

    • CheesyCheese1 [She/her]@lemmy.caOP
      8 months ago

      How so? You gotta realize that a “man” who dresses and acts fem isn’t entirely cis, such activity would almost certainly give a cis man extreme dysphoria.

        8 months ago

        You have no idea what is going on in peoples’s heads no matter what you decide it looks like from the outside ¯_ (ツ) _/¯

        • CheesyCheese1 [She/her]@lemmy.caOP
          8 months ago

          You dropped this \

          People’s behaviors make it pretty obvious, why else would a “boy” act like, dress as, and try to look like a woman if they feel they are a cis male? I used to be like that when I was younger, people would question my taste in feminine things and I would insist I was a boy and that it’s normal but it’s not normal and I wasn’t a boy. It would’ve been easier for me though if someone had broken my egg sooner.

  • Baby Shoggoth [she/her]@lemmy.blahaj.zoneM
    8 months ago

    yeah this post is not ok.

    celebrate your journey, but don’t force it on others.

    you never crack anyone else’s egg. ever.

    this also breaks one of the most important rules of the old egg_irl and i think it needs to be made explicit here. gonna have to play mommy and post a lets talk about rules post tomorrow, things have been getting a lil out of hand here lately.

    8 months ago

    Thats very gender essentialist. Gender expression is not the same AS gender identity. Don’t push your own experiences on others. I for example never had a femboy-phase and am still trans femm. Does this make me less trans? A trans guy who likes dresses, is he less of a man? No! What about non binary people? You basically say that femininity is not for men which is bullshit. People don’t always know their gender or are exploring, but identity changes with your own idea of self. If you say “I’m a femboy” and then later on say “I’m a trans girl”, both are true because Identity can change! If you say I Identify as lesbian, later on then discover that ur bi, that doesn’t mean ur previous Identity was wrong, it just means that u now identify differently. If someone says they identify with a gender, than that’s that. You don’t get to tell them they are wrong.

  • First Majestic Comet@lemmy.blahaj.zoneM
    8 months ago

    Hi not exactly a femboy since I’m Agender but I do still use the label occasionally. This meme is very hurtful to gender non-conforming people, who are most certainly not trans girls in denial (especially transmascs and nonbinary people). It is important to respect people’s gender identities, and while I do understand that discovery is important I do not believe that people should have an identity forced on them, which is what you’re doing by saying that all femboys are trans girls in denial who need to be forced out. The thing is if we believe people are valid we need to listen to them and respect the gender they identify as and not systematically invalidate them based on their actions and argue that they are semantically trans or in-denial, I don’t know about you but I don’t want to live in a world with provisions to invalidate my identity because someone else thinks my actions don’t match some stupid preconceived notion of a gender.

    Oh and before someone tries to argue that I’m a transphobe because “gender isn’t a choice” I will say that, yes Gender is not a choice but that doesn’t mean what most people think it means, it means that gender identity is internal and personal and can’t be changed by others pressuring you. It does not mean that a person who does X is semantically trans whether they like it or not. Gender identity is based on how the person feels, not what other people think of their actions relation to gender. So with that knowledge it is very clear that this post violates that principle by trying to force a gender identity onto someone who isn’t comfortable or okay with it, based on your opinion about them and your own past experience.

    8 months ago

    Maybe don’t make sweeping generalisations about other people’s gender. Just because you had that experience doesn’t mean everyone had it, people are different