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My gender is my concern, but you may use any pronoun to refer to me
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Your experiments bump into the difference between so called Lisp 1 and Lisp 2 systems. In Lisp 2 systems like elisp, variables and functions have separate namespaces. The same name can be bound to both a function and a variable, or to just one, or to neither. In your first example, you assign a value to the variable slot of x
, but the function slot is still unspecified. So when you try to call it as a function, you are told that its “function definition is void” – it doesn’t have a function associated with it. In another lisp, that might have worked.
That isn’t really what is meant by “code as data”. When your source code is read by lisp, before it executes it, it transforms it into data that can be examined or modified from other lisp code. One of the ways that we interact with this code-as-data is when we use metaprogramming techniques like macros. Another way that you are commonly exposed to is the (interactive)
marker that begins certain functions. While it looks like a function call, IIRC the function call has no value or side effects, it does nothing at all. But it is visible in the code-as-data of the function, and emacs looks to see if a function starts with a call to interactive
to determine whether or not a function is meant to be called interactively from M-x
If you abuse cattle for a living and fish for a hobby, why should I lift a finger to help. Helping you harms those I love incalculably more than it aids you.
I think it could be observed without judgement that this is written in a similar style to what you would hear on the educational TV channel in Project Zomboid. But with code snippets instead of *bang* *bang* *bang*
If you’re like me, you probably like playing with new Emacs color themes from time to time. Sure, I’m the person behind the Emacs ports of Zenburn and Solarized, but as much as I like them, even I get bored with them occasionally.
What I often do is to install a bunch of themes (e.g. using M-x package-install) and to quickly try them out by evaluating snippets like the ones below in Emacs:
(load-theme 'catppuccin t)
(load-theme 'dracula t)
(load-theme 'gruvbox t)
One small problem with this, though, is that Emacs themes were designed in such a way that one theme can be applied on top of another one. (loading a new theme doesn’t unload the previusly loaded one) In practice this often means that if you load a few themes one after another they’ll start to mess each other up.
There are several ways to address this, the simplest being to call disable-theme
every time before loading a new theme:
(load-theme 'catppuccin t)
(disable-theme 'catppuccin)
(load-theme 'dracula t)
(disable-theme 'dracula)
(load-theme 'gruvbox t)
Or you can get more adventurous and create a small command that unloads all loaded themes, effectively resetting the theme to Emacs’s default one:
(defun er-disable-all-active-themes ()
"Disable all currently active themes."
(dolist (theme custom-enabled-themes) (disable-theme theme)))
Now, you can simply do M-x disable-all-active-themes
when you see fit.
Finally, you can consider creating a function complementary to load-theme
that unloads all active themes before loading the new one:
(defun er-load-theme (theme)
(load-theme theme t))
(er-load-theme 'catppuccin t)
(er-load-theme 'dracula t)
(er-load-theme 'gruvbox t)
Pretty neat!
That’s all I have for you on this subject. Keep hacking! Zenburn is to this day my all time favorite theme, though. I rarely manage to spend more than a few days away from it.
A link to a video with no description or even a meaningful title. Bad _carmin!
Please post the answer when you find out.
Putting it on the moon is just a distraction. It doesn’t matter if the rod is 1m long or 100,000km.
What’s truly surprising is that the two variables are completely independent of each other. You cannot predict one from the other.
Well that checks out. One of those things I just rolled my eyes at and had bad feelings about the ignorance and superstition all around me and encouraged myself to forget about. I guess I did until now!
Imma let you finish, but Jason Yungbluth’s Blockhead’s War is the best Chuck/Calvin mashup OF ALL TIME.
Honestly, probably my all time favourite comic ever, EVER.
Without malice, I don’t think you are capable of understanding what is happening here. I think you should take that to heart and try to understand what that would mean.
Well, abstractly, since twitter is dead, and there is no cute name for facebook posts, I can see this happening. Like how every tissue is called a “kleenex”. But in concrete reality, I don’t give a fuck what goes on in those cesspits.
But yeah, argue with the analogy, that ALWAYS proves your point. Oh, and name calling, nice, very nice. Try sarcasm next, it never fails for me. Again, I do oppose OP’s proposal, you absolute jerkface.
I mean, yes, that is WHY they are doing it, but they are still CHOOSING to do it, because they are fucking scum who are part of the exact same ruling class as these CEOs you imagine twisting their arms and making them do naughty things.
we are peers with the UK in the commonwealth, they are not mommy
So many people who should know better are just eating it up. Even in this thread.
he’s going to “axe” them, eh?
please stop radicalizing yourself and others.