I missed Smashing Pumpkins when they were nobodies opening for Guns-n-Roses. GNR sucked balls, Rose was wasted and showed up 2-hours late, sound was unintelligible, all that. Wish I could have seen the Pumpkins.
I missed Smashing Pumpkins when they were nobodies opening for Guns-n-Roses. GNR sucked balls, Rose was wasted and showed up 2-hours late, sound was unintelligible, all that. Wish I could have seen the Pumpkins.
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You have to be fucking kidding me.
Click “source” to read this wildly controversial post. Because “lawrence” doesn’t want you to read it and is so clueless he brought attention to it by removing it.
How about you go fuck yourself “lawrence”? Jesus what a pathetic little man.
See the Cheetos dust fly as his fat little fingers ban me from HIS DOMAIN for a “wrong” opinion.
Idiots like you will be the death of lemmy. YOU ARE HURTING US ALL.
Yeah, “impure” olive oil is not endemic to America. Adulterating olive oil is big business and Europe isn’t immune. (Though Europe has laws on the subject that the US does not.)
It’s not exactly that. In the US we insist on perfect, white eggs. No chicken shit or feathers, heaven forfend! Because most Americans have never touched a chicken, let alone seen one.
So we wash hell out of our eggs, which thins the shell, which makes the egg less resistant to bacteria.
Europeans understand that eggs coming from a chicken’s ass sometimes have feathers and poop. Because it do be like that. So they get thicker, tougher, more resilient egg shells.
The idiotic “may cause cancer” labels are to blame for that. When warnings are constant and over-the-top, they get ignored. Good ideas often backfire.
The culprit is always my box uploading 3 pirated movies to Google Drive for backup.
It’s like the “sudden” increase in railway derailments we saw not long ago.
Some of y’all let the media lead you around by the fucking nose.
(Not you OP, if that wasn’t clear.)
eBay and Etsy are my go-to alternatives to Amazon. My wife uses Shien for clothes.
All 3 are like Harbor Freight for tools; maybe good, maybe bad, takes some experience and discernment, which can be costly.
And often a bit cheaper through outlets even if they do have their own store. Still, I’ll pay a little extra to keep it in the family.
Colt .45 Government Model, 2022 model. Same pistol that won two world wars. TWO WORLD WARS! Seriously though, it’s a little freaky that a 114-yo design is still flawless. I have the Valentine’s Day patent printed on canvas. My wife is Filipino, they’re 1911 fanatics, IYNYN. (Yes, people say they can be problematic. Those people have knockoffs.)
No idea how old my Sony receiver/amp is, 15-yo? LOL, never even touched all the options on that thing, drives my whole sound system, including remote speakers in the kitchen. Karaoke is badass no matter which way you face!
1981 Sony EQ. Rocks out, little tetchy if you touch it wrong (BLAOOOW!), but sitting still once adjusted, perfection.
70s Pioneer, rackmount timer system. Not in use but as a clock, stupid cool for the $20 I gave.
80s (?) Pioneer single tape deck. Not installed yet!
Remington 1895 10-gauge, Damascus-steel shotgun, made in the same year. It’s the crappiest version, looks like the hillbilly’s gun from Loony Tunes, fun as hell, only safe with birdshot. (It was made for black powder, not modern explosives.)
20-gauge generic “trade gun” from the 20s. Modern take, “made in China under assorted brand names, same damned unit, stamp a new name on it”. Light, never fails to fire, sometimes pops apart after firing. Easy to disassemble!
1999 486SX running Windows 98 on a jerry-rigged SSD. Originally an industrial control box, only ever seen 1 video about the beast, stupid rare. Blew the network drivers, still working on it.
1970s or 80s Revelation brand pump 12-gauge. Took me weeks to figure out it’s just a Mossberg rebranded to sell in Western Auto stores. Yes, auto stores sold shotguns in the day.
Sawed off (legal), double-barrel, 12-gauge “coach gun” from 1890 or so. Some guy refurbished it, love the look, dead sexy, no good as an antique.
Assorted crappy shotguns (old sampler for a pic) from every decade except the 1910s and 1930s, I think. Hard/impossible to research, records lost, factory burned or recycled for paper in WWII.
Watches! Wore my 1987 Swatch today. Assorted Casios, new and old, including the “terrorist” version. Wife got me a sweet one yesterday, probably not 10-yo, doesn’t count?
My body, circa 1971 or so.
Rackmount Pioneer timer system from the 70s, rocks. 1981 Sony EQ integrated, rocks. 80s Pioneer single tape deck, not installed. Yet.
Me too! My toner is $20 and lasts forever.
2004 F150 and 2002 Spyder here. I’ll roll those until I can’t.
Maybe something to do with being armed while committing a crime? Yeah, your gun carrying rights go right out the fucking window if you’re criming.
I wonder if the reporting is like the train crash business. Happens more than we think but the media locks onto certain disasters.
That’s why I ask! I’m wholly ignorant of European militaries. I only know Poland is absolutely jacked ATM.
Almost deleted it, but it does hit hard and explains how many of those men likely died.
The hell you on about? Read every post I’ve ever written, find me one where I say anything like that. While you’re at it, you’ll find plenty of posts about my awesome wife.
This take reeks of projection. Hate to say that because we throw that accusation a little too freely around here, but damn are you pulling fiction out your ass.
It’s an American tale of pure gumption winning out in the end. And of course it starts with greed. :)
The other 95% is gray mud, no life larger than multi-celled critters.