Aging gamers were reportedly delighted to see that a new video game called Eldric Quest has accessibility features catered specifically to people their age who do not have enough time to actually play a video game.

“I came back from the office at around 7 p.m. and was so happy to see this mode implemented because holy shit am I tired,”

  • banana_meccanica
    1 year ago

    Corporation actually make their decision on how players approach the videogames, this greed is accept and even need it by exactly this kind of consideration about making game relativity easy. Competition isn’t the only enemy as mine opinion, it’s this approach to gaming that makes everyone want to win easy and fast because “it is fun” till the next game, because games dies in weeks, even days, after realise. The best game of this lastest years was Elder ring, not an easy game but still love by all. People are hypocrites who cries about having bad games and when you ask them what they want you realize that actually they wanna the bad garbage they deserve. I’m sure what a good game needs for be fun, and its the challenge, something we will never find by keep accepting trash or telling others to be gate keeping of stuff, that mean never understand what actually a gate is, looking for quality dies on this and always will.