Well, the internet never forgets. Jokes aside, it seems like the deletion activity didn’t federate with my instance in time so when I wrote my initial comment, I was still able to see it. (though it does not matter if it was deleted or not, instance admins can still see them).
deleted by creator
Guys I deleted the comment before any of you replied 💀. I know I was wrong
Interesting take.
Great that you now know that Linux is just a kernel.
I actually did delete the comment, I don’t know how is it still showing up for you
Well, the internet never forgets. Jokes aside, it seems like the deletion activity didn’t federate with my instance in time so when I wrote my initial comment, I was still able to see it. (though it does not matter if it was deleted or not, instance admins can still see them).
@pewpew @asudox A busybox OS…
@pewpew @asudox DOS is operating system too, But linux with android userspace is not an operating system :)
Well duh, DOS stands for Disk Operating System.
I’m not sure what you are trying to get at.
Dirty Operating System* ;D
Edit: nvm it was specifically MS-DOS that was internally known as QDOS for Quick and Dirty Operating System
@asudox android even cannot share folder between 2 apps with different signature. It cannot be called OS.
That is a security feature. I am not sure how that makes android not an operating system.
Do you know what an operating system is or are you just some 12 year old?
@asudox it is missing basic OS feagures. Initially it was OS, but now it’s just firmware for google devices, not OS.
wow, really? what are those basic features you speak of, dear masturbated.one member?