• Damage
    1 month ago

    I shower once every 2-3 days depending on the weather and physical activity.
    I’m Italian and we have bidets, so I can wash my ass and genitals there; face and, when necessary, armpits I can wash quickly in the sink.

    • toynbee@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      If I don’t shower after every sleep, my hair is disgustingly greasy and misshapen and I’m generally smelly. I look, smell and feel absolutely unacceptable though my standards aren’t high in that regard.

      I can tell whether my wife has showered because I’ve known her so long, but she’s still entirely presentable for, if she wishes, days on end.

      It’s entirely unfair.

      • Canonical_Warlock@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        1 month ago

        Same. It only takes me about 12 hours to go from freshly showered to glistening like a ham with grease even with minimal physical activity and moderate temps.

        Before anyone gets on me about “try this different soap” or “your skin will adjust if you just start showering less”, I have tried both, believe me. I have tried basically every soap on the shelf from ultra gentle barely even a soap soaps to bathing with literal surgical scrub. I have tried ultra moisturizing soaps, I have tried soaps for greasy skin and hair, I have tried medicated ones, I have tried natural ones, I have tried everything. I have also tried the “just shower less” advice. It doesn’t work. I can cut my number of showers in half or even less for months at a time and my skin doesn’t adjust one bit, I just get greasier, smellier, and also break out in rashes as a bonus. Some people just have really greasy skin. Also tried different diets from vegan, to keto with no change.

        • toynbee@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          Depending on my environment, the problem for me is mostly when I sleep. I’m not a very active person, especially since I got hurt, so I don’t work up much of a sweat from exercise (though I should try to do better on that). I honestly don’t leave my house very often, so I largely control my environment and I like it cold. I’m not saying I stay clean and sanitary throughout the day, but from when I shower to when I go to bed, I would usually consider myself largely socially acceptable to go out or to have guests. However, I’d prefer no one see (or smell) me between getting up and showering.

          My condolences regarding your situation, especially the rashes. It sounds like it’s a bigger issue for you than it is for me. Clearly you’ve tried to resolve it, but good luck to you in finding a functional solution someday. Despite my lesser concern about my morning hygiene, I’ve also received lots of recommendations on how to address it and, while the efforts are appreciated, it can be frustrating when the recommended solutions are impractical or don’t work.

          Good luck.

      • Damage
        1 month ago

        Your hair (actually the skin on your head) is irritated, it releases too much sebum, you should use less aggressive shampoo and start washing your hair less often. It’ll be hard at first, you’ll have to endure dirty hair, but after some time your sebum production will reduce and your hair will stay clean longer. You may also have dermatitis, you could go to a dermatologist.

        And lower the heating in your bedroom, you don’t need 23°C in there when already sleeping under a comforter, it’s also better for your general health.

        • toynbee@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          The recommendation is appreciated. I’m not too worried about my hair. This has been the situation my whole life and, while showering can be painful, it’s refreshing as well.

          I doubt the heat in my bedroom is the problem. I (admittedly only sometimes) sleep with the window open in the winter and, despite a central HVAC, a window AC unit in the summer. I honestly prefer that nowhere in my house ever get above a max of 67 fahrenheit (apparently 19.5 C). If it ever gets to 23C (which DDG tells me is approximately 74 fahrenheit), I am barely functional, with or without a comforter. I know this to be the case from when I lived with my dad, whose thermal preferences were very different from my own. I even deliberately moved to a colder area to make it easier and more environmentally friendly to stay at my preferred temperature. I do adjust the temperature for guests, but it’s no fun.

          Thank you again for trying to help, though.

      • Damage
        1 month ago

        Maybe you’re imagining an hot Italian man, sweaty and smelly from a day of hard physical labor under the Mediterranean sun…

        Well, sorry to disappoint you!!