It is probably due to a number of people stopping using their alts after some instance hopping.

Also a few people who came to see how it was, and weren’t attracted enough to become regular visitors.

Curious to see at which number we’ll stabilize.

Next peak will probably happen after either major features release (e.g. exhaustive mod tools allowing reluctant communities to move from Reddit) or the next Reddit fuck up (e.g. removing old.reddit)

Stats on each server:

    1059 months ago

    There is no infinite doomscroll on Lemmy and that’s what I used to do on Reddit. Now, I just read the top headlines and touch grass :)

      379 months ago

      The reason I’m still here instead of there is that I absolutely can’t use their official app. I just can’t. It’s so awful. Lemmy isn’t perfect but at least it isn’t that. So I do spend less time doom scrolling and that’s probably good for me.

          79 months ago

          Client as in app? I go back and forth between Connect and Voyager. They both have some benefits and drawbacks but overall I really just want something super simple and plain. I used RIF for so long and it was just to the point and functional. I never had a single issue with it. The lemmy apps will improve though. They’ve been developed fastly and furiously (haha) but it usually takes a little more time to put something together that’s really good.

            59 months ago

            Yep a month ago the only Lemmy app was Jerboa. Now there are so many and they keep improving. My favorite right now is Liftoff.

              69 months ago

              I used Reddit Sync for about a decade before switching to Infinity for Reddit, tried giving Sync another go after the Lemmy version released and it just felt wrong whereas the Lemmy fork of Infinity is a joy to use (and is FOSS)!

              39 months ago

              I actually haven’t tried it but now I’m going to so I know if I dislike it or not. I can’t be in the dark on this!

      149 months ago

      Same here, I actually have a much healthier relationship with social media when on Lemmy vs Reddit. That might change as Lemmy grows in user content but for now I’ll enjoy the quieter experience

      139 months ago

      There is a middle ground between “infinite doomscrolling” and just barren. I miss a lot of communities I used to browse on Reddit and they aren’t taking roots here. Losing more people isn’t a good sign.

    • kratoz29
      69 months ago

      I agree, I finish up my daily feed (at the moment I am subscribed to 628 communities).