As I have a android go device widgets are not supported So Can u suggest me some apps that can handle widgets

I am using Blue line console to have widgets currently and used kiss launcher in past.Any other suggestion.

  • @Moonrise2473
    19 months ago

    It’s still the case and not just a quirk of the specific android version when they introduced it?

    I have two pixel 5 side by side, one with lawnchair 2, the other with the default launcher and I can’t see any difference in gesture navigation (except that the custom launcher is better as I can customize the gestures)

    • Ambuj YadavOP
      19 months ago

      Is gestures not sluggish,

      I am on android 11 probably u r on upper version

      • @Moonrise2473
        19 months ago

        yes i am on a12-13

        never personally tried gestures on android 11