Israeli bodies were located during a raid on Gaza carried out by forces under the command of the 7th Armoured Brigade, on Friday night.

Reports were received from the forces near the border that there were “discoveries” near the border.

I think these might be the “small operations” reported in earlier.

  • @Damage
    209 months ago

    People hurt each other because of sports matches, political choices, looks, ethnicity and whatever other reason.

    They don’t need religion to hate.

    • nakal
      89 months ago

      As far as I know, most religions even forbid killing people for whatever reason you might have.

    • Uranium3006
      09 months ago

      It sure doesn’t help, that’s for sure. Only religion demands arbitrary belief, at gunpoint if it can get away with it. Only religion demonizes other people for their having another religion. Only religion brainwashes children openly into.fearing they will.burn for eternity if they question what they’re told. Only religion claims a monopoly over right and wrong itself. We’re better off without that parasitic institution