I know the adage that self-hosting email is hard. I use a third party smtp server to send emails for my Lemmy instance in order to guarantee delivery, for example.

However, other than potential uptime, what are the disadvantages to setting up self-hosted incoming email?

Incoming email is like 99% of my email usage. I’m happy to use a third party mail provider for outgoing email, but don’t see why I shouldn’t simply host incoming email myself.

Thank you <3

  • @Moonrise2473
    21 year ago

    The main drawback is having your ip address bound to your domain, which with a whois can equal to your name and address

    Maybe i’m just paranoid, spoiled by cloudflare protection

      • @Moonrise2473
        11 year ago

        it’s a redirect, and imho doesn’t work very well, at least when i tried i got too many bounces

    • LyingPenguin
      11 year ago

      I don’t see how this is an issue. I would assume self-hosting refers to some VPS at some hosting provider, so the IP doesn’t matter anyways. Of course, if they are talking about hosting at home, then yes. But in this case they’ll probably have a hard time opening receiving ports for email anyways, I could imagine. At least I would block these ports if I were an ISP for end users.