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We’ve posted a number of times about our increasing storage issues. We’re currently at the cusp of using 80% of the 25gb we have available in the current tier for the online service we run this instance on. This has caused some issues with the server crashing in recent days.

We’ve been monitoring and reporting on this progress occasionally, including support requests and comments on the main lemmy instance. Of particular note, it seems that pictures tend to be the culprit when it comes to storage issues.

The last time a discussion around pict-rs came up, the following comment stuck out to me as a potential solution

Storage requirements depend entirely on the amount of images that users upload. In case of, there are currently 1.6 GB of pictrs data. You can also use s3 storage, or something like sshfs to mount remote storage.

Is there anyone around who is technically proficient enough to help guide us through potential solutions using “something like sshfs” to mount remote storage? As it currently exists, our only feasible option seems to be upgrading from $6/month to $12/month to double our current storage capacity (25GB -> 50 GB) which seems like an undesirable solution.

  • poVoq
    1 year ago

    Has Pict-rs implemented those changes to reduce image size already? My guess would be that maybe it is sufficient to just prune older large images with a script?

    Edit: looks like Pict-rs 4.0 is still in beta, but it should probably fix this issue to some extend, so only older images would need to be pruned or down-scaled.