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  • @Mzuark@lemmygrad.ml
    71 year ago

    This new Scott Adams drama is doing a great job of showing off just how easy racist white people have it now. Normally when someone gets “cancelled” for being a bigoted piece of shit, they just fall off the radar. Not Scott, suddenly Twitter is abuzz with “13/50” memes and plenty of “Oh woe is me, they treat us whites so bad” posting.

    Then these same people will turn around and be shocked that minorities don’t trust them.

    • @redtea@lemmygrad.ml
      91 year ago

      It’s like that time Gordon Brown, of all people, had to apologise for calling a bigot a bigot: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2010/apr/28/gordon-brown-bigoted-woman. The result is that he ended up appeasing the right and having to accept the framework that it’s okay to blame Eastern Europeans for British problems just so he didn’t seem rude to a Labour voter.

      The media knows exactly what it’s fucking doing. It’s a well oiled machine for pushing the public rightwards and dismissing any ‘progressive’ thought as impolite. And the liberals fall for it like suckers, every single time.