I plan on spearheading an underground revolutionary propaganda campaign when I turn 24 (I’m 16 as of writing) so I need a bit of advice regarding how they work.

      • For now just focus on reading and learning, when you are out of school maybe get involved with a union or something and see if organizing is for you.

        No offense, but allow me to be blatantly honest. At age 16, planning to spearhead an underground revolutionary propaganda campaign 8 years from now, it comes across as teenage grandeur. I know I said some of this type of shit a decade ago that still makes me cringe at night.

        Now I’m not saying any of that to discourage you, really I’m not. But you are 16, for now just focus on your education and growing into the person you want to be. Get your feet under yourself and a couple years of adulthood down and then make plans from there.