I plan on spearheading an underground revolutionary propaganda campaign when I turn 24 (I’m 16 as of writing) so I need a bit of advice regarding how they work.

  • JoeMarx 193OP
    71 year ago

    My country (Philippines) is deeply conservative so I may be in big trouble.

    • @Munrock@lemmygrad.ml
      91 year ago

      Half of my family is there too.

      Don’t wait 8 years, comrade. Don’t go off and establish an ‘underground network’ right now but there is so much work to be done. Especially with the fucking Americans opening up bases again.

      Educate. Those vile fucks are going to be propagandizing so hard. Push back. Educate the people around you. Tell them about how the yankees would toss change in the river because it amused them to make starving Filipino kids dive in for it. Tell them about the removedmongering, and how it so often progressed into rape with no consequences. Of how they called us “LBFMs” - little brown fucking machines.

      There’s a whole generation above yours who have been convinced that Bongbong is good for the country and ‘different’ from his dad. But the even older generations know what life was like under Marcos Sr… Get knowledge from them. Ask them for stories. A whole generation has been brainwashed into being willing to forget. Get those memories from the elders and share them with your generation. Show them the parallels that will definitely emerge. Educate yourself with theory and teach people how to see that bigger picture.

      Learn about what happened in the Philippine-American War if you don’t already know. About how the US pretended to be our allies and then betrayed us right at the end. Literally ‘bought’ our islands off the Spanish for a bag of silver.

      You’re not alone. Don’t endanger yourself thinking you have to do it all by yourself. But your struggle is now, not in 8 years. Educate yourself. Educate others. Don’t let the yankees rewrite our history.

            • @Munrock@lemmygrad.ml
              21 year ago

              Yeah, in the Philippine diaspora. We’re all over the world, and a lot of Filipinos who work overseas and see how it is with the way other countries exploit us end up on the left.

              • JoeMarx 193OP
                41 year ago

                Speaking of which, the Philippines is probably the largest legal exporter of slaves in Southeast Asia.

                • @Munrock@lemmygrad.ml
                  21 year ago

                  Alongside Indonesia yeah. The whole Malay Archipelago is kept underdeveloped to act as a cheap labour pool, both for exploitation and to undermine the bargaining power of the domestic workforces in the nations that partake. Be highly skeptical of any influences that seek to drive a wedge between Indonesians and Pinoys. The borders through the region are entirely colonial in nature and the fact that both nations are exploited in a similar manner means that the material concerns of the working class in both nations is deeply aligned.