I plan on spearheading an underground revolutionary propaganda campaign when I turn 24 (I’m 16 as of writing) so I need a bit of advice regarding how they work.

  • @Shaggy0291@lemmygrad.ml
    91 year ago

    Opinions differ on how to organise a socialist revolution. According to the Marxist-Leninist thesis, the organ that actually carries forward the revolution is the Proletarian vanguard; a clandestine revolutionary party comprised of the most advanced sections of the working class. This party is what organises and ultimately leads the workers as a class against their oppressors when the revolution moves into a phase of open class war.

    Opinions are split as to what strategies and tactics are the most effective way of building the vanguard into a force capable of conquering political power from the bourgeoisie; It honestly varies depending on where you are and what the conditions are there.

    Before anything else, it is necessary to sink deep roots into the community from which you intend to draw political support for the party. Winning popular support amongst the working class is an essential condition for the growth and success of a revolutionary vanguard. Take a look at your community and look at what you can do to win them to your side and build the local party organisation from there. Reach out to like-minded groups and establish ties so that sectarianism can be rooted out and class unity ensured. Talk to the workers in your community and figure out their grievances, then campaign on those issues to demonstrate that the party is the friend of the working class.

    Propaganda is a huge part of this equation and takes on a variety of different forms and dimensions. Classical forms of propaganda such as party journalism, political education and leafletting campaigns are important as always, but can only be made possible so long as the party is active. In the 21st century, video is the dominant medium and as a result mastering it is an essential requirement if you want to spread the message of the party to the masses. This means recruiting, training and organising people with a wide variety of skills; from spokespeople who are capable orators, to filmmakers with the technical skills to create high quality video features, film editors with the necessary technical and creative expertise and flair to formulate video into effective propaganda content, graphic designers to create eye popping visual design, to writers to commentate on current political events and theorise to the masses and so on.