• loathesome dongeater
      121 year ago

      I read on reddit (so it might be completely false) that originally it was supposed to be China as the invaders rather than the DPRK. But the game was made after US-China diplomatic relations were normalised so they had to change the antagonist country.

      • @ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
        61 year ago

        That was the remake of the movie “Red Dawn”.

        And the antagonist was changed because the Chinese government refused to allow the movie to premier in China.

        • loathesome dongeater
          51 year ago

          This was also the case with this game.

          The antagonists in Homefront were originally intended to be communist Chinese, but were later replaced by a unified Korea for two reasons: the risk of a possible backlash by the Chinese Ministry of Culture and the reality of economic interdependence between America and China that made the Chinese “not that scary,” according to Tae Kim, a former CIA field agent and consultant on the game’s backstory.

          This is the source: https://kotaku.com/china-is-both-too-scary-and-not-scary-enough-to-be-vide-5732623

    • SovereignState
      1 year ago

      I played the first one when I was a kid and it literally gave me a migraine. Idk if it was the lighing or color scheme or what, but it made me feel sick. Only time I’ve ever gotten a straight up migraine from a game. Your burgerland remark is more true than you know, as iirc you literally liberate a fictionalized McDonald’s.

      The Revolution is just as cringe obviously. IIRC, again, the enemy was originally supposed to be China but they were worried that could cause an international incident with a burgeoning superpower. So the DPRK gets hit with the shitstick again.

      For even more disturbing anti-DPRK antics in western video games, see: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogue_Warrior_(video_game) a game in which you invade the DPRK and kill dozens upon dozens of soldiers and then launch a missile attack against the USSR.

      • Your burgerland remark is more true than you know, as iirc you literally liberate a fictionalized McDonald’s.

        >tmw McD's has become an usonian deity

        the enemy was originally supposed to be China but they were worried that could cause an international incident with a burgeoning superpower. So the DPRK gets hit with the shitstick again.

        Because what, making DPRK the enemy wouldn’t cause an international incident?

        For even more disturbing anti-DPRK antics in western video games, see: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogue_Warrior_(video_game) a game in which you invade the DPRK and kill dozens upon dozens of soldiers and then launch a missile attack against the USSR.

        Yeah, but at the same time, everyone seem to dislike that poorly made slop, so…

        • SovereignState
          51 year ago

          There’s kind of a meme that you can flee to any McDonald’s if you’re in legal trouble internationally and McDonald’s can serve as an embassy-lite. Which is apparently true in Austria.

          DPRK is the bogeyman Amerikan media isn’t afraid to attack because we’re not tied to one another economically. An incident with China affects the U.S. economy… profit motive first and foremost ofc.

          Still quite disturbing to see Rogue Warrior’s disdain from video game journalists stemming not from the absolute vileness of a story but instead lackluster gunplay and one-liners. If it felt better to kill all those innocent Koreans and Soviets, I’m sure they’d be raving for it.