• @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Okay hear me out: Mass Effect. It has, just off the top of my head:

    • “great man theory” abound. Not just Shepard, but the general concept of Citadel’s spectres as super duper independent agents and more;

    • USinization of history and the future. All military and civilian personnel act like yanks. I don’t really remember any representation of other cultures;

    • meek “why can’t we be friends” message on top of the aliens being basically just stereotypes (“all quarians are X”);

    • obligatory “sexy alien that just happens to look like a human woman with Caucasian facial features and an exotic skin colour”

    • Lil Kitai
      1 year ago

      -Atrocious Asian representation. (Kasumi the token exotic oriental girl… And Kai Leng… Fucking Kai Leng…)

      -Atrocious Black representation in the form of Jacob.

      • Yeah the whole spectre overriding and being above any law thing screams “US being above any and all global laws is fine because we are good guys like Shepard”

      • Dumb aliens fighting over nothing, if only they would listen to the enlightened “alliance”

      • Two of the big bad human antagonists just happen to be Russian and Chinese lol

      And of course being fiction, the unbelievable happens when


      the alliance takes out the big bad corporation 😲