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  • Neptium
    161 year ago

    I was reading the new Tricontinental issue containing translated Chinese academic journal articles.

    And it’s good to see people in China mentioning and being critical about some of the BRI and Chinese-linked projects.

    First, China’s orientation should be based on strategic rather than commercial interests. China cannot merely be concerned with exporting its production capacity and capital or securing access to external resources and markets for Chinese enterprises; but rather it must prioritise what is necessary to ensure strategic survival and national development. By adopting such a strategic perspective, it becomes clear that the approach taken by many Chinese firms and local governments towards other nations and regions, as part of the BRI, is not sustainable as it has prioritised commercial interests and tended to ignore political-strategic interests.

    In the second article by Yang Ping.

    I already mentioned this briefly in my rant about Malaysian elections and I do hope that this will be corrected in due time. That said, I am not expecting the ruling class over here in Malaysia to behave any differently in the short term to fix their neoliberal politics.