My dad smokes a lot, he has anger issues because of that. Yesterday, on a trip, he kept taunting my mom and raging on the road and making the stupidest of decisions but I kept my mouth shut as always.

Today, I lost my shit. I defensively explained why I couldn’t get the exact type of grocery he wanted. He tosses the sugar into the floor and slaps me. I lose sight of reason and start choking him. I’m now in my room with lights out and he’s off somewhere, probably smoking.

I tried calling him, and asked to apologize to him through SMS. No response, obviously.

I’m posting this on lemmygrad because I trust the people here a lot. Most other people have problems of their own.

If there are any Muslim comrades reading this, do you think there is anything in specific I should add when apologizing? Thank you.

  • KiG V2
    21 year ago

    Late, but make sure you apologize in a way that recognizes his suffering, confronts his part, acknowledges your own part, and stands firm; don’t overly prostrate yourself and take whole responsibility. It would also likely have to be paired with a bigger conversation about his smoking and how it may generally affect his behavior. Allow him to talk but don’t let him twist things.