• Because this liberal swines don’t see that the one who posted this is a Anti-Zionist Jew ( me ) and the liberal swines think that if you are anti-zionist that means that you are “anti-semitic” or some kind of shizz they may think.

    In reality not all Jews ( and including myself ) are not Zionists pigs and Zionism is just rightist and racist extremist ideology that is anti-arab and anti-semitic since it began. They too hate us Jews ( mostly Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews ) they even discriminate against non-white Jews like me and others who don’t share their evil inhumane ideology of zionism.

    So the liberal scum who downvoted this post never knew that there are Jews who don’t support the Zionist Regime and are against it since it’s beginning.

      • SovereignState
        31 year ago

        I do not mean to come across as patronizing but thank you both for your convictions, and I apologize for the antisemitism you face from within (“not real Jews”, etc.) and without.

        Jews and Arabs coexisted peacefully for centuries. It can be that way again - even better and more equitable - when empire falls.