Tech media is picking up on the changes to Mastodon’s sign up process, where the default option is now I don’t think funneling more people to one mega-instance is a good idea…

  • Rentlar
    41 year ago

    I actually think that’s not a bad idea, because I agree with this article that being faced with the choice of server from the get-go is the biggest barrier of entry for users compared to typical sites. Lemmy could do something similar if the, or another instance has sufficient resources.

    The interoperability of servers is definitely essential to the Fediverse network so I hope that stays sacrosanct no matter how big one instance gets in the future.

    The suggestion of a simple method to transfer into separate instances without “losing/abandoning the content in your main account” is definitely something worth considering. That way if people join the default site, then decide they want their own “Truth Social 🤡” or hardcore LateStageCommunism stuff they can bring themselves and their buddies to their own community there.