Are you someone who has left their country of birth to move and settle somewhere else, or who is thinking of doing so in the future? What led you to take that decision, or what is making you consider it? What have your experiences been until now, and what do you expect and hope for in the future?

  • ValbrandurOP
    51 year ago

    I was told to consider The Netherlands as a destination for an easier life. Guess it won’t be the top on my list if housing prices are so bad, haha.

    Has anyone in your current party told you if there’s a way you can keep doing useful work while living abroad? I imagine a marxist party could find it useful to keep correspondents abroad.

    • DankZedong
      1 year ago

      The biggest madness is gone now due to some lukewarm protective measures taken by the government. But it’s still very pricey to rent.

      I guess there would be ways to still be active for the party but what I like about being active righ now is that I’m out on the street a lot. Talking to the people, joining the protests and strikes, making plans for local initiatives etc. There’s some marxist orgs gaining popularity in The Netherlands, though. I hope they will be bigger once I return.

      Edit: I read in another comment that you are going to work in healthcare. There’s huge shortages in The Netherlands in this field (thanks, neoliberalism!) so work should be fine if you come here.