And of course they want a credit card on file for “age verification” 😉 or they won’t let you chat with the bots

  • @Moonrise2473OP
    171 month ago

    I always click on annoying ads just to fuck with their ad budget, this appeared after clicking on a fake download button.

        121 month ago

        Because someone paid for that click, and will spend more money because of “how many clicks” they got.

        Basically, clicking on ads you aren’t interested in wastes someone’s money (and makes money for the site, depending on how the ads are bought/placed).

          1 month ago

          That assumes they are paying perclick, and you are exchanging your time for their cost. If it makes you happy because it pays for the site, go for it, but you are probably costing the ad buyers a tiny fraction of a penny per click.

            71 month ago

            I don’t disagree. If I chose to do that, I’d automate it, but there’s no guarantee that they are using a paid-per-click ad.

            • @Moonrise2473OP
              21 month ago

              Pay per view ads are only for walled gardens with a monopoly.

              Nobody clicks on ads = the site owner makes lots of money from ads, but advertisers spend a lot of money for low conversions.

              No advertiser would ever choose a pay per view model when there’s the possibility of pay per click

              For example when I was a reddit users I ran a campaign on Reddit and nobody was clicking the link. After all, you’re doomscrolling, why would you click on an ad? Maybe accidentally, or if it has a deceiving or click bait title. Instead on a normal website, once you’re done with the news or got the info you were searching for, you’re more likely to click somewhere. It’s the reason most Facebook ads are downright scams, because otherwise nobody would click them and also they filter only the gullible people thinking that yes, that Alibaba resell tech masterpiece for $99 discounted from $390 is a very good deal.

      • Dendr0
        41 month ago

        In theory, whomever is running the ad pays per click or w/e. In practice, it does nothing but expose your own system to potential risk.

      • @Moonrise2473OP
        41 month ago

        Ads on website pay on a “pay for each click” basis. So for each click I waste 5 cents of their budget and hopefully end the campaign a bit earlier than expected