Media whirlwind or legitimate threat to average people?

  • Remember how they basically ignored growing China economy up to 2019? It’s because that, they could use the dollar as weapon to tank chinese economy, but it would cost them much too, so they didn’t do it.

      • Similar thought, especially with dedollarization speeding up faster than the US expected with sanctions and trade limitations backfiring and such, before I was thinking ‘they’ll never do it, they’ve ran this same play since 2009’, but now I’m not sure, could go either way. If they did do it they probably have expanded plans funneling things to UA, maybe getting directly involved (the whole jet shenanigans seems to me like it opens both doors) and using ‘plata o plumo’ style diplomacy to settle debts and things, more mask off than usual. Though, I’m not sure how that will work if one of the things supposedly to be cut is military pay.

        We’ll see ultimately.

          61 year ago

          the whole jet shenanigans seems to me like it opens both doors

          Indeed, given the time required to properly train fighter pilots, I fully expect they will be undercover NATO soldiers

      • Yup, but at the same time dedollarisation making the effect smaller. Soon the window for doing that will close. I would argue that after the last year it might be already at the point where USA and its allies will be hit worse than its enemies by that.