If you didn’t already know about Comrade Julius Malema then you need to. This man is an exemplary revolutionary.

      • JucheBot1988
        11 months ago

        True, though to speak to what comrade Shrike502 was saying, Russia is a lot more lacking in the socialism department than the arms department (as in, they don’t seem to have much of a problem at all when it comes to arms production).

      • @freagle@lemmygrad.ml
        1211 months ago

        Kumbaya is a Gullah Geechee phrase that means “Come by here”, a plea for their God to intercede in their oppressed condition. It is not, as many have been taught, a song of togetherness and peace but rather an explicit acknowledgement of ongoing conflict. White people singing kumbaya in times of peace and prosperity to express togetherness and fraternity is, to say the least, a complete disarming of the meaning.