Lemmy is booming

I have never before received so many reactions and comments on my Lemmy posts before, so it’s obvious to see, that there are many new members here.
Welcome to all the new! And I’m looking forward to see more of you here.

  • KNova
    111 months ago

    I don’t want it to seem like I am talking down on the “Lemmy for Yunohost” package maintainers. They are doing a job I could not do, and for zero compensation. It’s just unfortunately not receiving the attention it needs for production purposes, IMO

    • Tmpod
      111 months ago

      I did not read it like that either! Perhaps I misworded. I meant that, since last update seems to have been on September 25th 2022, the maintainer probably is too busy right now, and if someone else feels they could help out, they should :)