Makes me wonder if one of my posts got noticed in that hellhole. I HAVE TO BE THERE SOMEWHERE.

  • Black AOC
    711 months ago

    Less a virus, and more something to utterly cut away from. There’s precious few ways for me to explain it without pissing myself off; but the neatest breakdown I can come to is that when I started questioning where the anti-Blackness I grew up with came from, it always tracked back to whiteness and its influence on my family. By now, I thoroughly resent it, and see the concept of whiteness as something that needs constant paring out.

      311 months ago

      Except in the post above you did not speak of “whiteness” (whatever that is), nor of anti-blackness. You specifically spoke of being “tainted”, because, as you put it, your “mother just haaaad to go and fuck herself a white man”. So again, I have to ask - what are you talking about? Do you consider white supremacist views to be inherent? Passed down genetically? Do you consider yourself somehow worse off than your “pure” peers, because your father is white?