Matchmaking requires picking three heroes you’re willing to play. Who have you landed on, and why?

Tell us a bit about how you like to play your three, so the rest of us might get an idea of which other heroes we might like to try, too.

    1 month ago

    Warden - I’m most comfortable with him and despite what people claim about his chaining ability being easy to escape I have yet to meet someone who manages to escape it more than once in a match. If it’s fully upgraded I can easily solo most chars except for the extremely tank ones. Ult is also incredibly dangerous once upgraded to second tier, and melts almost everyone, when upgraded with reach items it gets even worse. Also super important to buy bullet velocity, turns his weapon from an unreliable piece of junk into a beautiful mid-range weapon.

    Shiv - Melee Build is terrifyingly effective, especially with lifesteal. Slap some movement speed on him as well and his Ult suddenly turns useless because everyone in insta-kill range is also insta-killed with a regular melee.

    Pocket - Can’t play them for shit but I love their design and kit, and I’m trying my best.

    • Mr Reach
      1 month ago

      Warden with a melee build is just police brutality. Only need slowing bullets to make the 3 a guaranteed beat down. Favorite build so far.