This past week has been a bit of a blur trying to grow a little Juniper, most of my time in the garden has been observation rather than interaction.

What’s growing on with you all? I hope your gardens are bringing you joy

    20 days ago

    Earlier in the year I collected some fruit from a Ficus macrophylla which is a rare tree in my area. After annoying my wife by soaking the fruit in water on our counter for a few weeks, then sowing the seed in a small humidity box, I had almost given up hope when nothing germinated for over a month. But this past week, some finally popped up. I transferred a few into bigger containers but I need to figure out what to do with the rest.

    Hoping to grow some magnificent trees someday. Here’s what they’ll grow into for the uninitiated:

    I’m also trying to root and propagate some water spinach I bought at a farmers market recently. Delicious, I hope it takes. Got some good roots growing but the plant looks a bit sickly. I am going to move it to a more sunny position and hope that helps.

    A maple tree I planted last fall has almost doubled in size which is a really good growth rate.

    On a less successful note, I think I didn’t water my raspberry enough and it looks pretty dead. Was a bit of a stretch in my climate but my wife loves them and I love her… oh well.