it’s strange to see that my shaves with a straight are closer than those I get from an (admitedly very mild) DE
It gets worse. When I try (i.e. 3-pass shave), I get a closer, more comfortable shave with a straight than with any DE or SE that I own. This includes mild razors like the Feather and mild-plate Blutt, and very aggressive razors like the MMOC.
I think that the completely open blade of the straight razor provides the greatest opportunity for technique development. My skin feels better after a BBS straight shave than an equally close shave with a safety razor.
It gets worse. When I try (i.e. 3-pass shave), I get a closer, more comfortable shave with a straight than with any DE or SE that I own. This includes mild razors like the Feather and mild-plate Blutt, and very aggressive razors like the MMOC.
I had an mild razor with a well-worn blade, which is probably not the winning condition for a close shave.
Do you think you lost proficiency on the DE side, or have straight shaves more potential?
I think that the completely open blade of the straight razor provides the greatest opportunity for technique development. My skin feels better after a BBS straight shave than an equally close shave with a safety razor.
I noticed with shavettes that I can’t get the same flat angle because of the lip - I don’t know whether this causes better skin feel though
With an open blade, I think there’s the opportunity to optimize blade cutting angle. With a safety razor that’s much more restricted.