As an artist, I think it is a net negative for us. Disregarding the copyright issue, I think it’s also consolidating power into large corporations, going to kill learning fundamental skills (rip next generation of artists), and turn the profession into a low skill minimum wage job. Artists that spent years learning and perfecting their skills will be worth nothing and I think it’s a pretty depressing future for us. Anways thoughts?

  • KiG
    2 years ago

    As many have said, my main issue with it is it being implemented under capitalism. I think under socialism it could be responsibly used and be a tool for artists–I am an artist and I put great value on the human touch and human error, but it would also be fun to have a brain-to-paper device that can instantly put what I am trying to do into physical reality. There is beauty in art I make that is not the intial idea I had–yadda yadda “the journey”–but it would be cool as almost a new medium of sorts. I already draw, write songs, make beats, make video, write fiction, paint, photograph, and occasionally many other things, including a Google Deep Dream account where I occasionally make AI art by combining two pictures of my choosing as input–I see it as fast, fun, ultimately not as fulfilling as my human art but that’s okay because that’s not its purpose, and it has its own unique flair and still requires my artistic eye and a degree of skill to achieve something pretty.

    I will say too, being an artist to make a living has always been my dream, and it is already just shy of an impossibility. I have seen artists that “make it” and a huge amount of them only do to any degree because they either sell out, hyper specialize, have daddy’s money / daddy’s connections, or something similarly capitalistic. AI art under capitalism to me is just more of the same at worst. Thank God capitalism is dying.

    EDIT: Rereading my last paragraph I came off a little bitter…because I was a little bitter. I was having a bad mood when I wrote it. To addendum, I acknowledge there are some people who are successful simply because of hard work and a little bit of luck, and while I work hard I also spread myself incredibly thin and I have had plenty of fortune in other avenues of my life, I am already in some ways more fortunate than most people. Just wanted to clarify both the good and the bad.

      2 years ago

      I saw your profile ask, do you like hip hop, and thought, why yes I do. So I listened to some of your music and it’s – I think this is how the cool kids would put it – dope af – although I could be confusing my generational lingo and even be a generation behind. Loved the music and the lyrics with the images and the text showing up on the screen. And I mean this as a compliment: it’s like if Charles Bukowski rapped and edited videos.

      I suppose this is why I’m not too worried about AI art. It won’t replace what humans make. I’ll still want to listen, watch, or read what humans distinctly produce because I turn to art to understand the human condition.

      Hip hop was ruined some time ago. There are some great lyricists, even popular ones, but it’s almost all boilerplate and the videos look the same. Half the lyrics are product placement. I don’t begrudge the artists. (Except Kanye. The turncoat. Can’t believe it would be he who held the nail steady while Rowling and Rowan Atkinson hammered shut the lid on my childhood nostalgia.) But every so often, you hear an artist who, more or less, makes the art they want to make and not what a studio wants. And it keeps the art, the genre alive.

      (If a studio does come along and offers you millions to make the music they want to hear, please don’t turn down the offer on my account!)

      • KiG
        2 years ago

        Hey, just saw this and wanted to say thank you so much!!! That means a lot, all of it.

        I have a new album I’m working on that’ll hopefully be out within a few months. I’ve been trying to focus on being more listenable to a general audience without sacrificing the art and the message. If a studio offered me millions, I’d take it and just infiltrate and 180 on em 😎

        But again, hey, thank you for your compliment and thank you for taking time to listen to my music, it seriously means the world!

        2 years ago

        “hip hop was some time ago”

        No it wasn’t. It’s just changed over time. Art reflects life, and more specifically hip hop reflects the material reality of New Afrikan people, which right now is unfortunately very influenced by capitalist culture, but again that’s just our material reality. It also doesn’t help that everyone steals from us and therefore there’s an oversaturation of trap beats, but there’s nothing wrong with hip hop itself.

          2 years ago

          I’m probably just nostalgic for 90s music.

          So who would I be listening to now? Who’s good?

          • Black
            2 years ago

            Almost two weeks late but clipping., JPEGMAFIA, JID, Zack Fox, and Ski Mask the Slump God; if you like Stormzy then def Dizzee Rascal, Kano, Flowdan, and Tempa T

            2 years ago

            Honestly imo it’s best to go to Spotify or something and just start listening to some playlists. Not everything is a hit and not all artists have more than just one good song, but you’ll find what you like and don’t like just by listening, you’ll find one particular artist that you will like and will be able to branch off from there.

            Also I’m bad at giving recommendations lol

              2 years ago

              Give me one name :D

              Who’s your favourite rapper right now? Or most played?

              I’ll recommend Stormzy to you. Heavy is the Head album. Also his freestyle about Grenfell Tower. “They gonna get me for this, so stay woke.” And they did. The bastards.