First of all, I want to say that it’s wonderful to see all of you here, and your critical support of the nation I proudly call home. But more and more recently, especially reading through Chinese internet too, there has been a sense of overconfidence and overglorification of China. It is honestly a little worrying at times for me, because as much as I love my homeland and is proud of what we are doing, I know full and well that we are still a long way to go. I see this sentiment of China being the glorious land far away as a bastion and utopia against Western Imperialism and while there’s a lot of truth behind that sentiment, and I definitely understand why one not living in China would choose to believe this (I live in the US now and I understand your pain, fellow US comrades). I just want to remind everyone to exercise dialectal materialism on this subject and try to look at China in a less idealised way. We cannot grow to be better without recognising our mistakes. Anyways that is my little message to you all. Have a nice day!

    2 years ago

    Shut up. He doesn’t and its only the last bastion of games where the boss design and level design evolves after every release and each games alway have different approach to level design. Miyazaki is one of the best game director to ever exist despite leaving in shitty country like japan.

      2 years ago

      The only thing is that he focused too much in imitating Monster Hunter for a Dungeon Crawler and should have also copied the organic combat of Ocarina/Majora’s and not only the platform design of Dark/Demon. But yeah on the rest.