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    2 years ago

    started with zinn and chomsky when I was much younger. Chomsky’s books are just list of crimes committed by the US across the world. It was really eye opening. I wouldn’t really read him now, but it was still a big influence on me at the time I eventually moved on to Marx and Lenin.

    Funnily enough as I’ve gotten older, videos by the likes of Parenti and Prashad have been extremely important to my learning. And the old reddit genzedong, informed tankie, genzhou, etc. all were crucial to how I view things now.

    I guess my own ideological growth would go liberal>>“libertarian socialist” (copied straight from chomsky)>>vague socialism>>marxism leninism

    Some big world events influenced me as well. 9/11, Afghanistan and Iraq invasions, 2008 financial crisis and the occupy movement, among others