It’s a bit sad how deserted this community is, would love to connect more with other makers.

Let’s rattle the cage a bit, who of you is here, and what are you working on?

I’ll start: A wireless cryptographic keystore & signer. Keys are generated with the hardware RNG and stored AES-encrypted with the user’s password, and you can request signatures via BLE.

  • g5pw
    3 months ago

    I’m doing a hardware interface for baby buddy. The platform is based on an esp32s3 with:

    • round display with touch
    • 10x Kalih choc switches
    • rkjxt1f42001 (nice part, encoder+four direction)
    • Ambient light sensor (to adjust backlight automatically)
    • 9-dof IMU (because why not)
    • battery controller and fuel gauge from TI

    It was a pretty challenging design, first time soldering BGA ICs and using solder paste/stencil! Also, hard deadline :D

    Will open source and publish HW and code (written in rust) soon!