The Lemmygrad mod team has deliberated and decided that “patsocs”, especially those claiming the title such as Maupin, Hinckle, and Infrared, are hereby banned and are not welcome on lemmygrad.

This ban does not include those who feel some level of “patriotism” (for lack of a better word) for non-settler states ( namely those who have historically been victims of colonialism ).

Discussions surrounding the topics of settler-colonialism, and decolonization will always be allowed, as long as they don’t veer into the territory of defenses of colonialism, or affinity with colonizer over the colonized.

This includes:

  • No apologia of settler-colonialism, or defenses of colonizer over the colonized. IE no defenses of Israelis over Palestinians, or European Settlers over indigenous americans fighting for the return of stolen lands.
  • Please adhere to the Marxist-Leninist principle of Right of Nations to Self-Determination: especially holding true for indigeous peoples.
  • Please adhere to the Marxist-Leninist principle of Proletarian Internationalism.
  • No social-chauvinism, or opportunistic appeals to “conservative values” to win converts to socialism.

Here are some Marxist books / resources to learn more about Settler-Colonialism ( Audiobook torrents are linked as well )

  • KiG
    2 years ago

    I can’t really articulate myself very well right now because I’m in the middle of a mental breakdown and a bender (totally unrelated) but I feel like user SaddamHussein was interpreted in very bad faith regarding what they were trying to say using Israelis as an example.

    I haven’t seen any people we regard as patsocs as defending settler colonialism or anything of the sort (though I am not familiar with many, such as Hinkle, Infrared etc.).

    I guess in my head, regarding for example the point of “appeals to conservative values to win people to socialism,” I would rather have a liberal who is for gay marriage than a liberal who is homophobic. I would rather have a social democrat who is anticommunist than a fascist who is anticommunist. Likewise, I would rather have a bigot who believes in class war than a bigot who does not believe in class war, and so on.

    “Patriotic socialism” is not for me, I would never wave an American flag around for anything but pure satire, and even then it’d feel nauseating. By I also think this is a complicated war with many facets. For example, Frankfurt is dangerous in many a way, by why not also radicalize some academia ghouls? Why not soften up the incredibly reactionary American proletariat to seeing a hammer and sickle? Even if it’s just seen as a step in the radicalization funnel, for then people like us to step in and convince them to drop the Stars and Stripes.

    Which I guess is a similar situation with socdems, and we sure as hell don’t need socdems here…

    Idk I just am uncomfortable with SaddamHussein in particular getting banned I guess. Seemed like a pretty cool one to me.

    I’m sorry if I am late as all hell replying to anything, I have like 100+ notifications and have been procrastinating ever checking them, plus the aforementioned “My Life, O My Life” shit. I respect you all and some of the arguments being made and I hope to not make any enemies with this, I value everybody here.

      2 years ago

      I agree,while I am kinda indifferent on the whole patsoc thing (literally on the other side of the world),I do think that they could make more good than bad (once again I am not from America,and it would be in my interest if America was destroyed). Also yeah, i personally think that SaddamHussein’s ban was a bit too quick, he was very civil