My mortal enemy: Names!
Outlining a book with four chosen-one type protags. I don’t like the names I came up with. I need better ideas, if you’d be so kind?
- Harrison “Harry” Bach: Destined to become the Attorney Supreme. Terry’s BFF
- Tiresias “Terry” Garanhir: Chosen by the Drover’s Crook. He talks to critters.
- Minthe “Minty” Garanhir: Future Dragonslayer. She’s Terry’s twin.
- Adulphine “Alfie” Mordred: Carries the Curse of Cadmus (she’s becomng a dragon)
Feel free to ignore me but:
Alfred “Alfie” Joseph
Bengiman “Bengie” Oliver
Maya Oliver
Persephone “Percy” Elm
I also like the name lucida
These are just random names that popped into my head just before sleeping so feel free to ignore or pluck what you like (also I spent way longer thinking about the first names then the last names so I’m not set on my last names)