I learned about the near extinction of north American bison in school but we were always lead to think it was accidental. That Europeans saw so many bison and figured they couldn’t make a dent in that if they tried. Realizing that a lot of it was on purpose is so sickening.
To put this near extinction in a bit more context, I seem to remember reading a paper which suggests the biomass of hoofed animals like bison, deer, cattle, etc., was roughly the same pre-invasion of the Americas compared to today with mass scale animal agriculture.
But dont you know their language was foreign, skin was darker and spiritual beliefs beyond their comprehension. It was like mercy killings.
I’ve heard white people living in the US/Canada unironically calling Native peoples foreign.
Wonder what goes through their minds.
“White makes right” probably…
One day, they will be forced to pay reparations.
the supposed “bastion of freedom and liberty”.
“Hey, we didn’t force you to beg us for help! We simply eliminated all possible ways for you to be self sufficient in the ways your tribe has been doing for generations!”
Where nobody starves, too.