Are there any decent reads on the Communist Party of Peru / the Shining Path? Ideally something that at least attempts to be somewhat objective and attempts to do some actual crit.

I recently picked up The Shining Path: Love, Madness, and Revolution in the Andes off of a recommendation but the authors are pretty blatantly anti-communist at times. Frequently it reads like an unreliable narrator and not like its really trying to provide a detailed picture of the situation.

Edit: for transparency, I’ve only read about the first 1/4th of The Shining Path: Love, Madness, and Revolution

  • Soviet
    2 years ago

    Check the other comments, the name is there. It’s not really a hard translation, and the book isn’t really that long, if I wouldn’t have to work/study and don’t kill myself from exhaustion I could translate it in maybe a month if it were like, my job or something, but well, it’s a tedious a slow thing to do when you are doing out of love, some parts are translated, I really want to help with this but I never have time.