Meanwhile my lonely ass been sitting over here absolutely loathing Fallout: New Vegas since its release. I did not like that game. I probably would today if I got over myself and tried playing it again.

    2 months ago

    I’ll join in the controversy. New Vegas is fine, great game, way overhyped. It rolled straight from the initial sentiments (Fallout fan boys loved it on release and called it “the real fallout 3” and you can imagine the rest), into generous comparisons to every new game (“is Game X the next New Vegas?!”) and straight into wistful nostalgia.

    I liked Fallout 3 better. It’s more goofy fun! I like exploring the DC ruins more than Yet Another Mad Max Apocolypse Desert. I liked the story line and (yes, the ending was silly and forced) but i liked how the plot wrapped up! I had finished all the side quests I wanted, it felt like a fitting end, a solid wrap up to a difficult life, where I’d made amends for the sins of the father and made a better wasteland.

    I mean, then the BoS DLC replaced it with a non-ending so you could have Endless Adventure ™️ and I think that really set the tone for Bethesda’s downfall. There’s no one moment, but that DLC was a big sign that the philosophy of games internally was shifting. Fallout 4 was also enjoyable but to me went too far away from the RPG hybrid balance that FO3 had, imho, gotten perfect. The most vocal people wanted more RPG hence the cultish love for NV, but it seems the mainstream wanted more Action and hence the “tuh-ripple Ayyye” treatment of FO4 and subsequent games.