Meanwhile my lonely ass been sitting over here absolutely loathing Fallout: New Vegas since its release. I did not like that game. I probably would today if I got over myself and tried playing it again.

    2 months ago

    Fallout 4 is the worse Fallout 3, imo.

    The shooter gameplay is definitely better in 4, the crafting system is pretty neat too. The story is like a weird reversal of the Fallout 3 story, with stakes that don’t feel as real as Fallout 3.

    None of that matters, though. It’s a Bethesda game, and people don’t really play those for the main story. Here’s what really matters. The world of Fallout 3 is so dense, the side quests so memorable, that if you’re the type of player who loves seeing what’s over that next hill I think it would be a disservice to NOT recommend Fallout 3 to you.