Meanwhile my lonely ass been sitting over here absolutely loathing Fallout: New Vegas since its release. I did not like that game. I probably would today if I got over myself and tried playing it again.

    2 months ago

    In my experience, the crashing is usually from some directX rendering compatibility issues with the windows 11 driver and display stack. Try using DXVK (which is what steam proton uses on Linux) to convert the driver stack into something vulkan compliant. For me, personally, it SIGNIFICANTLY reduced crashes even in windows 10. I’m rocking an AMD GPU though so my vulkan performance is notably more stable than many Nvidia equivalents. To use DXVK you just download the zip file from the GitHub releases page and drop it (extracted, 32 bit dll’s specifically) into the folder with the game binaries (similar to old dinput override mods). Then launch the game like normal and it SHOULD “just work”.