Meanwhile my lonely ass been sitting over here absolutely loathing Fallout: New Vegas since its release. I did not like that game. I probably would today if I got over myself and tried playing it again.

    2 months ago

    There is a hard “yes/no” answer to this.

    It looks like a first person shooter, so you might expect it to play like a fun FPS game. Is it fun in that way? No, not really. Mods can fix this a bit, but it will never be Doom 2016.

    It is published by Bethesda, so you might expect it to have fun exploration like Morrowind, Oblivion, or Skyrim. Is it fun in that way? Kinda, but it’s a bit theme-parky and the explorable world is less “open” than other Bethesda offerings. What you find is always fun, but the “getting there” part is only so-so. (Kinda the opposite of other Bethesda games this way)

    So why is it still talked about so much and called a masterpiece then you might be asking? Well, in the spirit of the great CRPGs, the narrative agency is insanely good. Where many RPGs give you the illusions of choice, New Vegas is the ultimate “choose your own adventure”.

    While there is no “wrong way” to play a game, if you want to see why people love New Vegas, try to stop thinking about RPGs from the BioWare “paragon/renegade” dichotomy, and instead try to really consider, “what outcome do I want to happen”, and New Vegas will surprise the shit out of you with how much agency they really give the player. In this way, it is one of the GOATs. (And I’m not talking about the exam)